Put down the Girl Scout Cookies for better diabetes heathAre you a lover of Thin Mints? Do you wake up craving Tagalongs and Samoas? Well, congratulations, today is your day—national Girl Scout Cookie Day, that is.

According to the Girl Scouts, you should use this day to better understand the top 5 skills the non-profit hopes to impart to their girls:

  1. Goal Setting
  2. Decision Making
  3. Money Management
  4. People Skills
  5. Business Ethics

In keeping with the Girl Scouts wishes, I want to share my

5 Tips For Getting Your Diabetes Under Control and Protecting Your Foot Health

1. Check Your Feet Daily

Make note of any sore spots or numb areas after every check. Finding a problem early is the best way to keep ulcers from forming.

2. Work Closely with Your Internist and Houston Podiatrist

Keep your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol under control. See your physician and podiatrist regularly to make sure you’re staying on the right track.

3. Think before you eat

Choose fresh, healthy foods that are low in sugar (i.e. NOT a box of Girl Scout Cookies).

4. Get active

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Make sure your doctor clears any new physical activity before you try it.

5. De-stress

Read a good book, listen to music, spend time with friends—whatever makes you calm and happy. Research has shown that relaxing helps you keep your blood sugar levels down.

For more tips on diabetes health and for assistance in maintaining your foot health, follow my blog and come see me at Tanglewood Foot Specialists.

Dr. Andrew Schneider
Connect with me
A podiatrist and foot surgeon in Houston, TX.
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