Some of the sweetest memories you’ll ever have of your child’s early years are foot and handprints—I dare you to look at that teeny-tiny foot on his or her birth certificate and not tear up a little—so to help you celebrate the fourth of July the way a Houston podiatrist does, I wanted to share this cute craft idea with you.
Footy Flag
What you’ll need: A little tiny hand, an adorable little foot, red and blue paint, white paper and a paintbrush (plus lots of paper towels and/or a nearby sink or bathtub for quick cleanup.)
The process is pretty simple. Paint your child’s hand blue, cover his or her foot in red, then use the hand prints in the upper left hand corner of your paper to simulate stars and the foot prints going all across the page to simulate stripes.
It may take you a few tries to get this just right, but with a little luck and plenty of patience, your project should turn out like the pictured image at right.
Thanks to the Serendipity blog for this adorable idea. If you do finish the project, feel free to share pictures on our Facebook page (and don’t forget to like us while you’re there!)
Have a safe, happy and healthy 4th of July from all of us at Tanglewood Foot Specialists, and don't forget to come see Dr. Schneider if your little one's feet are hurting.