Swift’s fans were so impressed that she stuck to her guns—and her high heels—in spite of her injury, but as a Houston podiatrist, I found her decision very worrisome.
You really don’t want to mess with your Achilles tendon—tendinitis, if left untreated, can progress, even leading to a rupture. And if your Achilles tendon ruptures, you will be facing surgery and months of recovery.
The good news is, tendinitis can usually be treated with RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, but it’s also very important to wear the supportive shoes, especially when doing an athletic activity like dancing on stage.
So yes, for fans, it’s pretty cool that Taylor can “Shake Off” her ankle injury, but to me, she’s just asking for more problems. Take my advice, Taylor: at 5”10, you can afford to slip on some flats and give that ankle a break while you heal!
Achilles tendinitis doesn't just happen to superstars! If you are suffering from pain in your Achilles tendon, don't wait for it to be unbearable. Contact Dr. Schneider to see how you can get back on stage, or whatever action you're looking for.