Many people who have painful bunions on their feet struggle with shoes. The bump on the side of their foot at the great toe joint just takes too much pressure and becomes painful in their favorite shoes.
The ideal shoe for someone with a painful bunion is one that has a wider forefoot and a narrower heel. Unfortunately a shoe like this is difficult to find. Some pads, like Dr. Jill's Gel Bunion cushions, are helpful in taking some of the pressure away, but for some it can just make the shoe tighter.
The best shoes to wear with a bunion is simply the shoes that are most comfortable. A tennis shoe that is the widest you can comfortably keep on your foot or a dress shoe that doesn't provide too much pressure on your bunion may be your best bet. When you find that you have fewer and fewer shoe choices, it is time to consider surgery.
If you find that you simply have no shoes that are fitting your bunion comfortably anymore, it is time to consider bunion surgery. Houston bunion surgeon Dr. Andrew Schneider will evaluate the bunions on your feet and recommend the best course of personalized treatment. Contact Tanglewood Foot Specialists for an immediate appointment.