A Morton's neuroma is a swelling of a nerve in the forefoot. The swelling is due to the pressure of the adjacent metatarsal bones on the nerve. This pressure also causes the nerve to become inflamed, which is primarily responsible for the associated pain. houston morton's neuroma causes ball of foot pain


Certain factors may contribute to the formation of the Morton's neuroma. Narrow shoes and shoes with a pointed toe box cause increased compression of the bones in the forefoot, thereby increasing the pressure on the nerve. High heels also can contribute to a neuroma, since they increase the pressure on the forefoot. For these reasons, a Morton's neuroma is more commonly found affecting women.


If you feel that you are beginning to suffer the early symptoms of a Morton's neuroma and feel pain in the ball of the foot, the first step you take should be to evaluate your shoes. Try to wear the widest shoes that still fit your feet. Very often, this change alone can remove pressure from the nerve and reduce or eliminate the pain.


If you continue to feel pain, contact your Houston foot and ankle specialist at Tanglewood Foot Specialists. The Houston foot and ankle physicians and surgeons can evaluate your condition and recommend the best treatment to get you out of pain.

Dr. Andrew Schneider
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A podiatrist and foot surgeon in Houston, TX.