When some of your toes become numb, it can be because of a Morton's neuroma that has formed. This is commonly found in the second, third, and/or fourth toes. When a neuroma occurs between the metatarsal bones, pain often results in the ball of the foot. Because that nerve continues to the adjacent toes, it can also cause those toes to become numb.
When pressure on the neuroma is reduced, the numbness in the toes can be alleviated. This is accomplished with metatarsal support added to a custom orthotic device or applied directly to the foot. The support spreads the metatarsal bones and reduces the pressure on the nerve. This is also effective to alleviate the associated pain.
There are other possible causes of your numbness, such as peripheral neuropathy, so it is vital to visit you Houston Podiatrist at Tanglewood Foot Specialists. Dr. Andrew Schneider will be able to assess your symptoms, determine the cause, and create a custom treatment plan to manage your condition. Contact our office today for an immediate appointment.