A bruised toenail has almost become a badge of honor, certainly among marathon runners. It is a common, but preventable, result of when your toes repeatedly impact the front of your running shoe. The impact causes bleeding beneath the toenail which makes the nail appear black and blue.
Once you have a bruised toenail from running, one of three things will happen. It is possible that a new toenail will begin to grow beneath the damaged nail. As it progresses, the damaged nail will loosen and fall off, usually without pain or bleeding. I other cases, a new nail will grow behind the damaged nail, pushing the damaged portion out as the new nail grows in. In cases of minor injury, the nail can reattach to the nailbed and grow as it should.
The best chance of keeping the toenail and allowing it to reattach is to visit your Houston podiatrist as soon as possible after you notice your nail is bruised. Dr. Andrew Schneider will painlessly relive the pressure beneath the nail, providing immediate relief of any discomfort you may have. Contact Tanglewood Foot Specialists for an immediate appointment.