These lovely flowers will certainly inspire some spring planting--and capture some beautiful memories!Spring is right around the corner, and with it will come all those beautiful flowers we’ve missed this winter. In order to help welcome this most beautiful of seasons, I’d like to share a project from The Thrifty Couple that can help you smile a lit bit and envision a sunny, spring-tastic garden. Hope you enjoy!

Hand and Footprint Flowers


All you need for this easy craft is paint, paper and your little one—an easy project to cheer up friends who’ve been displaced from their homes or classrooms.



  1. Paint hands with one or two colors of paint.
  2. Place both palms down on paper, with bottoms of palms touching and fingers spread.
  3. Paint stem coming from palms to the bottom of the page.
  4. Paint feet green.
  5. Place foot prints on either side of stem, angled out like leaves.
  6. Add in grass, sunshine, names, ages—any decorative detail you like. Let dry and enjoy!


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Dr. Andrew Schneider
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A podiatrist and foot surgeon in Houston, TX.
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