The official start of spring is just around the corner and for many of us, the season provides the motivation to clean up our homes, get rid of clutter and basically start anew. As your Houston podiatrist, I’m here to suggest that you include your old, beat up running shoes in the seasonal purge.
Badly fitted or worn out shoes can cause a number of problems, including plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, conditions that cause heel pain and can lead to long-term disability if left untreated.
Don’t suffer this kind of discomfort just to hold on to your old sneaks a little longer! Go out, peruse the new sneaker styles hitting shelves and follow these three tips for finding your best fitting running shoe.
How to Find Your Best Fitting Running Shoe
Work With Your Style
No, I’m not telling you to pick out a pair of shoes based on your existing wardrobe—I’m talking about your running style. If, like 94% of runners out there, you first strike the ground with your heel when you’re running, you’ll need a pair with plenty of rear padding. If you have an unusual stride that causes you discomfort, come see me to discuss your best options for shoes.
The Half-Inch Rule
Sneakers should give you a fit that Goldilocks would like—not too snug, not too loose, but just right. A general guideline to follow is leaving yourself half-an-inch of space between your big toe and the end of your shoe.
Watch That Pedometer
These new shoes will have a set shelf-life—about 400 miles—before they expire, so use this fresh start as a chance to really keep track of the miles you travel in your sneakers. If you log your miles after each run, you won’t have to guess next time your shoes need replacing.
Even with properly fitted new sneakers, runners are prone to many different types of injuries. If you are experiencing any type of pain when you run, schedule an appointment with Houston running podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider so we can evaluate, diagnose and treat the problem.