There are some common causes of foot pain which include:
Bunions: A prominent bump on the side of your big toe joint
Hammertoes: A painful buckling of your toes
Heel Pain: Caused by an inflammation of soft tissue or a heel spur
Ingrown Toenails: When the sides of your toenail digs into the surrounding skin
Morton's Neuroma: An inflammation of a nerve in the ball of your foot
Stress Fractures: A hairline fracture of the bone caused by excessive pressure
To help those in Houston suffering with foot pain, I wrote a book entitled One Step Ahead: A Foot Owner's Manual. I would be happy to send you a free copy of the book. Just fill out the form on this page and my office will email you a copy immediately. Of course, if you're currently suffering from foot or ankle pain, don't wait for the book to arrive. Call our office to get started on your road to a life without foot pain.