A common comment that we hear from our patients is that their feet are numb. And this is not the "usual" numb that many of us feel from time to time. It's the kind of numb that people describe as feeling like they are wearing several pairs of socks. Even when they aren't. They feel like their feet are encased in wax. It doesn't hurt, but it's not right.
In other cases, the pain is more icy-hot, almost burning. These icy tingly sensations make it feel like your feet are always cold. But even doubling or tripling up on socks won't get them warm. If this sounds unpleasant to you, you're right. These are all symptoms of a condition called peripheral neuropathy. And, though it's very uncomfortable, we can help you find pain relief. No matter what those other podiatrists have told you!
In a minute, we'll explain how we treat neuropathy in our Houston podiatry practice. But first, we want you to understand what's behind these uncomfortable symptoms.
What is Peripheral Neuropathy?
With peripheral neuropathy, the nerves running to your lower extremities don't work well. They aren't efficient, so they can't be effective. Because of their short comings, you can develop nerve pain symptoms. This means a burning or stinging pain. It could also cause an icy, tingly pain, or a sensation of numbness. While different from the sharp pain of injuries, both are awful. And leave you always aware of your troublesome feet.
Why do people develop neuropathy? Diabetes is one common cause of peripheral neuropathy. But it's far from the only reason why your nerves fail. So why do we talk about diabetic neuropathy so often? It's one of the few known cause of this type of nerve damage. Because, unfortunately, we often don't find any other cause for your peripheral neuropathy.
That's one of many reasons why peripheral neuropathy is hard to treat. It's why many nerve pain sufferers end up frustrated. And without any pain relief. Now, I said it's hard to treat neuropathy. But it's not impossible. As long as you have experience and the right equipment. If you're still reading along with me at this point, you're in luck. We've got both in our Houston neuropathy practice. That's why you should keep reading, to find out how we can deliver pain relief for neuropathy sufferers.
Treating Neuropathy in Houston
Now, if your neuropathy makes your feet feel numb? Or if your feet feel as if they are encased in wax? Prescription medications won't help. For these situations, we look to a less invasive treatment option: vitamin supplements. This is a choice we love to suggest. Because vitamins come with fewer side effects. And they are often very effective in alleviating neuropathy symptoms.
Want to hear some more good news? You can take both without fear of interactions to other medications. Even better? They carry no side effects. Still, if they work for you, you'll have to keep taking these vitamins forever. Because once you stop, you won't continue experiencing the pain relief.
Best Shoes for Neuropathy Relief
In addition to vitamins and other treatment options, you may find some neuropathy relief with changes in your footwear. Remember, with neuropathy, sensation in your feet may be compromised. In turn, your balance may be affected, leaving you more vulnerable to trips and slips. So, one of the first things to look for in your shoes will be support! Next, try to find styles with plenty of shock absorbtion. Again, since you can't feel pain as distinctly with this nerve issue, your feet could be sustaining impact damage from walking and running. But you wouldn't even know it! As a result, the best way to stay safe is to wear shoes with plenty of shock absorption and padding.
Also, people with neuropathy should wear stable footwear. That means the shoes don't have tons of give in the sole. A good way to test this feature is turn a shoe upside down, placing one hand on the heel and the other on the toe. Next, try to twist the shoe. Ideally, you won't get much movement when you do so, and that will tell you that you've found a solidly stable shoe choice.
The Importance of Treating Neuropathy
If you find it easy to manage neuropathy pain, should you still treat this problem? The answer here is a loud and clear, "yes." Why is it so important to treat neuropathy?
First of all, neuropathy is a progressive condition. So if you don't seek treatment, you won't just feel symptoms in your feet. It could become a problem that impacts your entire leg. Plus, if we stop your icy foot pain before your feet go numb, we can help prevent diabetic foot complications. In this country, too many diabetics lose their limbs to amputation. And many of those amputations are because of unhealed foot ulcers. (These hard-to-heal wounds can allow infection to enter into your bones.)
But what's the connection between ulcers and neuropathy? When neuropathy makes your feet numb, you may not notice a cut or other small wounds. Then, if you don't check your feet regularly, those small cuts become big problems.
And, if you add in reduced blood flow to your feet, you've now got big wounds that will be hard to heal. This is when many diabetics develop ulcers. A medical emergency which, again, can lead to amputations.
Of course, we never want our patients to reach that point. Which is why we offer cutting-edge neuropathy treatments in Houston. Because our goal is to restore feeling to your feet. Before you face other diabetic complications.
Houston Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment Options
Of course, with any neuropathy treatment options, we can't guarantee your pain relief. Each of our patients is unique. And that's why not every neuropathy treatment works for different people.
If that sounds like a problem, don't worry. Because, do you want to know what we can guarantee? Doctors tell many people with neuropathy that we can't do anything to relieve their pain. But we promise you: that statement can't be farther from the truth. Give your podiatrist in Houston, TX a call. We'll schedule your neuropathy consultation today. We've got great neuropathy treatment options in my office. Let's see if one or more of these may be the pain relief solution you've been waiting for!