Do you have questions about foot injuries or the causes of foot pain? Tanglewood Foot Specialists provides the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about foot injuries and foot care. If you would like to schedule an appointment to talk to a doctor about your foot pain, call Tanglewood Foot Specialists at (713) 785-7881.
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How can you be sure it is fungus in the toenail?
Is there a way to cure fungal toenail infection without medication?
Will a night splint help relieve my heel pain?
How should I shop for new shoes that won't hurt my neuroma?
How long should I wait before getting a neuroma checked?
Will I need to wear a special shoe or boot after neuroma surgery?
Will I be able to wear high heels after neuroma surgery?
Will I need to wear an orthotic after neuroma surgery?
What are the most common complications of a neuroma surgery?
Why are some of my toes feeling numb?
Which "off the shelf" insoles are the best for a neuroma?
Are there any special injections to make my neuroma go away?